Beware your desires.
The Legends of Grimous Ironblood is an epic illustrated medieval fantasy verse storybook for magical people aged 10 upwards recounting the legendary myths, tales and stories of healer and Arch-Mage Grimous Ironblood.
Grimous Ironblood has a desire to heal. No just one or two people, not just in his village, and not just in the Kingdom but all over the realm of Edra. However, the Arch-Mage has a secret: he has found the cure to all ills! He can cure anyone of anything! With his band of flying iron-monkeys, Grimous sets off to fulfil his destiny and cure the sick and the needy. He travels from hamlet to hamlet, village to village, and town to town and the more people he healed the more his fame grew. This was a disaster! Bandit Bracus McGint discovers the healer’s secret, a curious bottle containing a magical liquid. Once stolen, Bracus is unaware what deadly consequences he has unleashed. “Read this to my daughter and we loved the story and illustrations. Looking forward to a sequel.”
Jhary Conel. 5 Stars out of 5 (Amazon). |