Fantasy Story Prompt
Cards to inspire
Images are fantastic prompts to spark your imagination, ignite your creativity and help build vivid, richer, and more immersive stories.
Whether an experienced or novice fantasy author, gamebook author, DM or RPG player, we all need a little help now and again. There are many elements that build gripping and compelling stories: the concept, characters, setting, plot, story structure, action, dialogue, and world building are all important. The amount of detail within those elements determines how deep and textured a story will be, and therefore how engaging your audience will find it. Simply shuffle the cards and randomly select one or more, study the unique description detailing memorable characteristics and traits, and, on the reverse, immerse yourself in the depiction of the creature in all its monstrous glory. Designed for quick, on-the-fly use, your imagination can be sparked by all, some, or even just one aspect of the Mythical Creatures Deck and the Magical Objects Deck – taking your creative skills into new directions. |
“What's amazing is having the deck with me, which means my heroes can find new items in the quest which they could never find before.”
John Gerrard, HeroQuest DM
John Gerrard, HeroQuest DM
Mythical Creatures
and Magical Objects
There are two decks in the Story Spark Cards series with more to come. The Mythical Creatures Deck delves into folklore and legends to provide thoroughly researched descriptions and exquisite illustrations of magical and fearsome creatures to help you create imaginative stories and fantasy world-building ideas.
The Magical Objects Deck helps finding the perfect magical object for your world and for your characters easy. Would a scholarly and serious-minded wizard own the Cheese of Delights, which has power to replenish itself every time the last piece of cheese is eaten? Maybe. But would he be more suited to using the Ancient Astrolabe which can absorb a star’s dust to create Origin Portals? More likely. A hardened adventurer in search of hidden treasure in forgotten tombs would pay a handsome price to own the Lantern of Hope, as its flame cannot be extinguished, and therefore give needed hope in the thick of darkness. Whereas a bitter and revengeful necromancer would kill to own the Rod of Souls which has magic that can pull a soul violently from any living body, ensnaring it in a state of stasis, never to be released. Both decks are available in classic black and white and stunning colour, are double-sided (illustration and detailed description), have rounded corners, and the card stock 350gsm glossy Zanta games board. All decks come in a two-piece study box too! |
“They’re AMAZING! I received the deck on Saturday and did my Monday pick a card guidance with them.”
Sam Forde, Tarot Reader
Sam Forde, Tarot Reader
“I got the cards today, they look so magical, I love them so much.”
Marthe, fantasy writer
Marthe, fantasy writer